STARS - 2019
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

See Vedecom


  • Program: ANR JCJC

  • Project acronym: ENVISION

  • Project title: Computer Vision for Automated Holistic Analysis of Humans

  • Duration: October 2017-September 2020.

  • Coordinator: Antitza Dantcheva (STARS)

  • Abstract: The main objective of ENVISION is to develop the computer vision and theoretical foundations of efficient biometric systems that analyze appearance and dynamics of both face and body, towards recognition of identity, gender, age, as well as mental and social states of humans in the presence of operational randomness and data uncertainty. Such dynamics - which will include facial expressions, visual focus of attention, hand and body movement, and others, constitute a new class of tools that have the potential to allow for successful holistic analysis of humans, beneficial in two key settings: (a) biometric identification in the presence of difficult operational settings that cause traditional traits to fail, (b) early detection of frailty symptoms for health care.


  • Program: FUI

  • Project acronym: Visionum

  • Project title: Visonium.

  • Duration: January 2015- December 2018.

  • Coordinator: Groupe Genious

  • Other partners: Inria (Stars), StreetLab, Fondation Ophtalmologique Rothschild, Fondation Hospitalière Sainte-Marie.

  • Abstract: This French project from Industry Minister aims at designing a platform to re-educate at home people with visual impairment.

  • Program: FUI

  • Project acronym: StoreConect.

  • Project title: StoreConnect.

  • Duration: September 2016 - June 2019.

  • Coordinator: Ubudu (Paris).

  • Other partners: Inria (Stars), STIME (groupe Les Mousquetaires Paris), Smile (Paris), Thevolys (Dijon).

  • Abstract: StoreConnect is a FUI project started in 2016 and ended in 2019. The goal is to improve the shopping experience for customers inside supermarkets by adding new sensors such as cameras, beacons and RFID. By gathering data from all the sensors and combining them, it is possible to improve the way to communicate between shops and customers in a personalized way. StoreConnect acts as a middleware platform between the sensors and the shops to process the data and extract interesting knowledge organized via ontologies.

  • Program: FUI

  • Project acronym: ReMinAry.

  • Project title: ReMinAry.

  • Duration: September 2016 - June 2020.

  • Coordinator: GENIOUS Systèmes,

  • Other partners: Inria (Stars), MENSIA technologies, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, la Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital.

  • Abstract: This project is based on the use of motor imagery (MI), a cognitive process consisting of the mental representation of an action without concomitant movement production. This technique consists in imagining a movement without realizing it, which entails an activation of the brain circuits identical to those activated during the real movement. By starting rehabilitation before the end of immobilization, a patient operated on after a trauma will gain rehabilitation time and function after immobilization is over. The project therefore consists in designing therapeutic video games to encourage the patient to re-educate in a playful, autonomous and active way in a phase where the patient is usually passive. The objective will be to measure the usability and the efficiency of the re-educative approach, through clinical trials centered on two pathologies with immobilization: post-traumatic (surgery of the shoulder) and neurodegenerative (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).